plants to improve sleeping
Health & Wellness

6 Bedroom Plants That Will Improve Your Health

February 9, 2023

Revitalize your sleeping space with these top 6 bedroom plants! These plants are not only visually appealing but also play a crucial role in improving your health and wellness. Whether you’re looking for a way to freshen up your bedroom or to enhance your overall well-being, these plants are the answer.

Have you ever considered how houseplants can significantly contribute to your physical and emotional health? From purifying indoor air to providing relief for dry skin, these plants are a must-have in any bedroom.

Here are the 6 best bedroom plants to enhance your health and wellness:

1. Snake Plant:

A Marvelous Purifier If enhancing indoor air quality is your priority, look no further than the snake plant. This plant is also commonly referred to as the mother-in-law’s tongue and its contribution to your indoor environment cannot be overstated. While you slumber, the snake plant efficiently converts carbon dioxide back into oxygen, making it a must-have for a healthy home.

Characteristics: The snake plant is easily recognizable by its distinctive thick, leathery leaves. It grows tall, reaching heights of two to four feet, making it easy to spot in your local garden center. The leaves are dark green in color and may feature light green tones on the outer edges or light green waves that run horizontally through each leaf.

Health Benefits: In addition to its air-purifying capabilities, the snake plant also removes harmful toxins including toluene, xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. This makes it the ideal plant for anyone looking to breathe cleaner air indoors.

Likes and Dislikes: Snake plants are low-maintenance and can grow up to waist height. They do not require direct sunlight and do not need to be watered frequently. In fact, snake plants often grow better when the soil is allowed to dry out a bit before watering.

2. Lavender Plant:

Better Sleep and Air Purification Lavender is a popular plant for its beauty and functional use in essential oils. With its tiny purple flowers growing in a whirling pattern and green-grey foliage, it is a distinctive addition to any bedroom. Lavender is known for its calming effects on the body and its soothing scent. Inhaling lavender has been shown to reduce stress, improve breathing, and lead to a deeper sleep. This is why it is often found in spa products such as soaps, skincare creams, candles, and bath salts.

Likes and Dislikes: Lavender requires direct sunlight and regular watering. Place it near a southern-facing window in full sun and make sure the soil is well-drained. Avoid growing it in low light conditions, as it may struggle.

3. Spider Plant:

Airborne Toxin Remover The spider plant is a common and easy-to-grow indoor plant, with long slender leaves emerging from the central crown. With its solid green leaves outlined in white, it is easy to spot. If you are concerned about the air quality in your home, consider adding some spider plants to your room. These plants have been proven to effectively remove airborne toxins, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, from your bedroom’s air. Formaldehyde is a toxic gas that can irritate your eyes, throat, and nose and is present in many household products, such as fabrics, paper, and particleboard.

Likes and Dislikes: Spider plants are not fussy about light conditions, growing well in both low and high light. However, it is important to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to burn. Additionally, it is important to avoid overwatering, as the plant does not appreciate being waterlogged.

4. Aloe Vera:

Air Quality Improver This unique succulent plant has stemless, fleshy green leaves with white speckles and white spikes along the edges. Aloe vera gel, commonly used to treat skin problems, comes from the innermost part of its leaves.

Health Benefits: Aloe vera is known for producing extra oxygen at night, which in turn helps to purify the air in your bedroom. It is a great choice for those looking to treat skin problems naturally.

Likes and Dislikes: Aloe vera plants require deep watering to reach the roots, and prefer natural light but not too much direct sunlight. Growing and maintaining aloe vera can be a bit of a challenge, but the benefits are well worth it.

5. Boston Fern:

A Moisture-Restoring Wonder The Boston Fern is a fantastic addition to any home looking to improve indoor air quality and add some greenery. These ferns are easy to care for and provide numerous health benefits.

Characteristics: The Boston Fern is known for its cluster of long, green leaves that are fern-like in appearance. A thin stem runs through each leaf and is adorned with tiny leaves running horizontally along the stem. At its prime, the Boston Fern can spread to two to three feet in length.

Health Benefits: This fern is a natural humidifier and air purifier, removing harmful toxins including xylene and formaldehyde from the air. It also helps alleviate dry skin, making it a must-have for those who use air conditioning frequently.

Likes and Dislikes: Boston Ferns prefer cool environments and their soil must be kept consistently moist. They can thrive in indirect sunlight and are a great way to keep your home moist and comfortable.

6. English Ivy:

A Marvel for Respiratory Health. The English Ivy is a timeless beauty, cherished by the ancient Greeks and Romans for its lush, glossy leaves. These leaves are typically dark to medium green with white or yellow veins, and have an oval shape that makes them easily recognizable among other ivies.

Breathe Easier with English Ivy: The plant’s popularity stems from its ability to soothe breathing conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and COPD. Its air-relaxing properties reduce coughing, making it an ideal plant to place in your bedroom for a peaceful night’s sleep. English Ivy is also a hero when it comes to removing airborne mold particles, as it can dilute 94% of such particles. This not only helps prevent mold growth in your home, but it also significantly reduces the allergens that may affect your respiratory system.

Likes and Dislikes: Unlike many plants that require direct sunlight, English Ivy is a fan of artificial light, so it’s best to keep it away from strong summer sun. This plant requires frequent watering to thrive.